PHY 360 W3FE
Early maturing, high yielding W3FE variety with PhytoGen Breeding Traits™ for root-knot-nematode resistance and bacterial blight resistance.
Early maturing, high yielding W3FE variety with PhytoGen Breeding Traits™ for root-knot-nematode resistance and bacterial blight resistance.
Early mid-maturing, with full yield protection package, offering bacterial blight resistance and both RKN and reniform nematode resistance with high fiber strength and good Verticillium wilt tolerance.
Broadly adapted, mid-maturing Upland variety with a medium plant height and moderate PGR requirements. Resistant to both root-knot nematodes and bacterial blight.
What varieties lead the pack in yield for the Mid-Atlantic? Check out the most recent trial data and see how PhytoGen® varieties compare on acres like yours. To find your field’s perfect match, check out our varieties page.
Hear from cotton growers in the Mid-Atlantic area. Learn about local performance, planting success stories, and more!
Read how PhytoGen® brand varieties helped this North Carolina grower see 5-bale/A dryland cotton.
LEARN MORETennessee cotton producer explains how he streamlined in-season weed and insect control with PhytoGen® W3FE varieties. Find out how one choice led to an easier approach to weed control across his farm.
More and more Mid-Atlantic farmers are turning to the Enlist® weed control system. Find out why.
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Whether you’re looking for the best-yielding cotton varieties for your field, or traits to boost your yields, contact your local PhytoGen team today!