Momentum continues: Producers gaining ground with PhytoGen® cottonseed

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As cotton growers push to get more from every acre, the first step in a new direction is sometimes hard — but often very rewarding. For many producers, a new way forward begins with variety selection.

Across the Cotton Belt, growers are turning to PhytoGen® cottonseed for its high yield potential combined with traits that protect profits from weeds and pests. Excitement is growing as producers hear about the performance of new PhytoGen® brand varieties from their neighbors, consultants and local agronomists.

“PhytoGen brand varieties bring together many things that growers need for maximum cotton production, and we’re hearing great success stories from producers who plant PhytoGen varieties,” said Chism Craig, Ph.D., Corteva Agriscience Agronomy Lead, North Delta. “When you can increase yield potential and provide tools to better manage weeds and pests, people get excited. The word is out that PhytoGen varieties offer growers a chance to improve their bottom line.”

High-yielding varieties are foundational to a profitable cotton operation, and Craig said PhytoGen brand varieties have proven performance in third-party trials and on customers’ farms. Yield potential is typically the top consideration when switching to a new variety.  

“Yield is the endgame. It’s the ultimate test of a variety, and it’s a key ingredient for profitability on your farm,” Craig said. “In the last several seasons, PhytoGen varieties have proven themselves as high yielders against the competition, and many farmers have experienced this advantage on their operations.”

PhytoGen® brand PHY 411 W3FE is one of many varieties from PhytoGen® cottonseed that are helping growers achieve high yield potential while keeping fields clean with the Enlist® weed control system.

Real-world Success

Alabama producer Jeremy Wilson started planting newer PhytoGen brand varieties several years ago after conducting a variety trial on his farm. When PhytoGen brand varieties outyielded the competition in that trial, he decided to make a change on his farm.

“We were so impressed with the results that we planted 90% of our cotton acres to PhytoGen the next season,” Wilson said.

That year, Wilson yielded more than 3 bales per acre with PhytoGen brand varieties, and some fields produced over 3.5 bales. In addition to yield, he experienced excellent fiber quality and exceptional early season vigor. Vigor was especially important, because of several big rains during the critical planting window.

“With the early season vigor in PhytoGen cottonseed, we got a good stand even after a lot of rain,” Wilson said. “We had one field where it rained about 2 inches the night after we planted, and we still got a good stand and excellent yields at the end of the season.”

Wilson also was eager to try new options for weed control with PhytoGen® W3FE varieties. The Enlist® weed control system allows him to use Enlist One® herbicide, giving him a new mode of action with excellent control. He believes it’s a great option that provides more flexibility in management — another reason growers are switching to PhytoGen brand varieties.

“PhytoGen has some exciting varieties out now that are doing really well,” Wilson said. “If someone is interested, I would say to try it. If you can do that, I believe you’ll be excited with what’s available”

Start Planning Now

Producers who want to learn which PhytoGen brand varieties will best fit their acres should work their local PhytoGen field agronomist. Todd Rowe, Corteva Agriscience Agronomy Lead in the Southeast, emphasizes the importance of considering soil type, irrigation, nematode levels and field history when choosing varieties.

“Our field agronomists can help growers maximize production by planting the right PhytoGen brand variety on the right acre,” Rowe said. “Backed by the innovation and extensive research by Corteva Agriscience, our field agronomists have the knowledge and cotton expertise to help dial in recommendations according to a farmer’s specific needs.”

For example, growers with known populations of root-knot and/or reniform nematodes should choose one of many PhytoGen brand varieties with industry-leading, native breeding trait resistance to the subterranean pests. In areas susceptible to verticillium wilt, such as West Texas, growers should choose PhytoGen brand varieties with protection against the disease.

“It’s never too early to start planning for next season,” Rowe said. “Evaluate your fields during and after harvest, and then talk with your field agronomist to put together a game plan for next spring. We’ll work with you to find the best fit for your acres.”

To learn more about PhytoGen cottonseed or to contact your local PhytoGen field agronomist, go to


Find information on yield and more in the PhytoGen Cottonseed Agronomy Library.