PHY 332 W3FE
Early mid-maturing, with full yield protection package, offering bacterial blight resistance and both RKN and reniform nematode resistance with high fiber strength and good Verticillium wilt tolerance.
Early mid-maturing, with full yield protection package, offering bacterial blight resistance and both RKN and reniform nematode resistance with high fiber strength and good Verticillium wilt tolerance.
Broadly adapted, mid-maturing Upland variety with a medium plant height and moderate PGR requirements. Resistant to both root-knot nematodes and bacterial blight.
Early- to mid-maturing Upland variety with built-in genetic resistance to root-knot nematodes and bacterial blight. It features the W3E1 trait package that combines the Enlist® cotton trait and WideStrike® 3 Insect Protection, giving cotton producers the choice to customize their weed-management program and save on input costs if they do not need a glyphosate-tolerant trait.
What varieties are bred to deliver in the Southwest? Check out the most recent trial data and see how PhytoGen® varieties compare on acres like yours. To find your field’s perfect match, see our varieties.
Hear from cotton growers in the Southwest. Learn about local performance, planting success stories, and more!
Stacy Smith of New Home, Texas, says reniform-resistant PhytoGen® W3FE varieties are keeping cotton king in West Texas with “game-changing” high yields. Watch to learn why Stacy says these varieties offer a brighter future for West Texas producers.
More and more Southwest farmers are turning to the Enlist® weed control system. Find out why.
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Whether you’re looking for the best-yielding cotton varieties for your field, or traits to boost your yields, contact your local PhytoGen team today!